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Pavin Caffe - Full Cream (1 Kg)

Distributeur Pavin Caffe
Available to ship 
$24.99 CAD

Tasting Notes: Rich, creamy, with a smooth buttery flavor. Enhances the natural sweetness of coffee without overpowering its taste. Offers a velvety texture that complements any coffee variety.
Quantity: 1 kg (1000 grams) bag
Coffee Creamer / Dairy Product
Format: Available in powdered or liquid form
Producer: Pavin Caffé
Variety: Not applicable (as this is a creamer product, not coffee beans).
Process: Made using high-quality full-fat dairy cream through a process of pasteurization and homogenization to ensure a smooth and consistent texture.
Caffeine: Caffeine-free
Brew Method: Suitable for all brewing methods, including espresso, drip coffee, French press, and cold brew. Dissolves easily in both hot and cold beverages.
Roast Level: Not applicable (as this is a creamer and not coffee beans).

A blend of carefully selected coffee beans give the espresso a distinctive character with rich and intense body. A blend that emphasizes the espresso cream in the cup.

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